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Today, research is growing faster than ever and the demand for high-quality serum is at an all-time high. ​ The serum is an important source of proteins, lipids, vitamins, amino acids, salts, minerals, attachment factors, growth factors, hormones, and other components essential for cell growth. ​ Fetal Bovine Serum is the preferred serum supplement for cell culture applications due to its high levels of nutrients and optimal combination of growth factors.We specialize in Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). Our mission is to be a better FBS provider and enable the worlds brightest minds to conduct cell culture effectively with confidence. ​ We only offer the highest quality US Origin FBS to ensure the most consistent and reliable cell growth. ​ We provide FBS direct to the consumer cutting out all middlemen and markups. ​ Our superior quality has allowed us to provide FBS to some of the most cutting edge labs across the US and we look forward to continuing to be a resource to the next generation of researchers.

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